About Rachel MacManus

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So far Rachel MacManus has created 198 blog entries.


It was a nice event- low key but it built up and there were nice interactions. As I said in my insta post;  For this piece I invited people to write down words, which I then ate. A cathartic, healing and nicely absurd exchange. Less performative, more conceptual. I was handed all sorts- sad words, secrets, silly messages, quotations, poems, frustrated comments, quizzical thoughts- all [...]

2023-03-06T11:09:55+00:00March 6th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

EAT YOUR WORDS- upcoming

So this is really a stake into the ground situation. The ground being where I am at, the topography of the environment of artistic professional possibility- as in the reality of what can be done, created, made happen, by me. The stake is the nowness- a metaphorical pole being thrust downwards claiming my self belief. If I build it, they may not come and thats [...]

Cluttered office whiteboard giving me bad energy

I realised today that my whiteboard needs to be wiped. Not edited, WIPED CLEAN. It's one long messy scrawled list of failures. Open call after funding app after open call application/submission/letter of interest. two more emails of NO THANKS GO AWAY yesterday too. The usual, 'you wouldn't believe how many applications we had- we found your work very interesting BUT' etc etc. I've written about [...]

2023-02-01T11:24:22+00:00January 30th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Alien skin- BBeyond Monthly performance for January

So the BBeyond Monthly performance was on today, online. I joined BBeyond last year in a bid to get more performance experience and to meet more performance artists. I have performed once so far with them live, last October in IMMA for the earth rising festival, and once before that in an online performance, and was featured in an online performance event they ran during [...]

2023-01-21T22:08:35+00:00January 21st, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Negative SPACE 2022 works finished.. finally.

It's very important to me to finish what I start, and to deliver what I have promised. Mural Public art wise I want to be known for careful, bold work that is impactful, emotive and skillfull. I do NOT want my name associated with anything less. Making this work has not been easy. My 'collective' is now just me, for the time being anyway. I [...]

2023-01-19T09:17:15+00:00January 19th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

decisions on how to spend limited energy and time

Spent the evening examining 2 specific residencies- both within the possibilities of applying for, but simply not possible to take up in the small event of potentially being successful. One is for 2 weeks in Greece in March this year- so not a hope of that one so close to my kids surgery, if I could get a date for that even, and other one [...]

2023-01-11T21:36:31+00:00January 9th, 2023|Categories: Visual|Tags: , , , |

Austria- Workshops in St Gilgen International School

While I was in St Gilgen working with Kirsty I made a series of performance art workshops and some power point presentations for the International School she teaches in. I was delighted to do this as I'd originally designed a workshop for kids around my body alphabet, and never got to do these because of.. you've guessed it, Covid... So it was interesting [...]

2022-12-06T22:11:43+00:00December 6th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

ReVision PLay Pause Seeing you Seeing Me 2022

First thoughts words to record before I Stop trying, and macbook about to die nerves so bad again I had stomach issues think i went in to mild shock after- felt freezifng cold and shivery was so numbed with terror I willed myself to get the fuck on with it felt old, tired, veiny flabby pushed out the voice of negativity and dud it slipping [...]

2022-11-29T14:24:26+00:00November 26th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

How the stoics would have managed rejection. Revision, Interviews and Austria Preps

I've been here before. Its the effort and time you expend making the application/submission/proposal, then the email of No-ness. This one was very good, it said 'I don't have the privilege to work with you this time around' I mean, you've got to put your hands together for that elegant turn of rejective phrase. One must pull up ones socks and remember what the Stoics [...]

2022-11-24T14:08:32+00:00November 24th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|
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