June- emotional ineptitude and decreptitude and the notion of effort

June, Friday 21st precisely. Coming up to a week back from a family holiday to Sacramento, California. Generously and kindly hosted by our friends Robye and Matthew. Kids had an amazing, different experience. Constant intense heat, huge cars, freeways, eating out constantly, swimming pools. Thats was my goal- just one time for them to experience a different holiday- rather than the usual west of Ireland [...]

2024-06-22T19:31:28+00:00June 21st, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Performancey weekend and Atlantic tales

Had a busy weekend of performance. Weeks of domestic drudgery (slight exaggeration here) and frantic laptop tapping and then it all comes at once.. Well a lot of hunched down in drizzle or freezing cold painting also during January. We had our inaugural p(art)y Here and Now performance event last Saturday 3rd Feb. It was in essence a great success. Here we all are post [...]

2024-02-06T13:14:03+00:00February 6th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Head Wreckers unite- recent performances to camera

https://youtube.com/shorts/cCGGp_oiewI?si=LQ_yoABxRBajjTlg Low Expectations. Performance to camera. January 2024. Still operating under the process of think, and do. Think of something, then make it. I continue to be fascinated by repetition and experiencing repetition. What it is, to be in it, continuing through it, how it feels to do it, to witness it. Sped this up to increase the ridiculousness and relentnessness (! possible made [...]

2024-01-23T11:22:17+00:00January 23rd, 2024|Categories: performance art, Visual|Tags: , |

Soil Grass Residency Trip 4

Back again for my final visit to Milford House - final for now that is, when concerned with the Soil And Grass Residency I undertook this Autumn 2023.  I am sat in the kitchen of Milford, with Olive (residential cat) on my knee. She has gotten brave, she usen't to come downstairs so much the last time I was here. But now the house is [...]

Culture Night Milford House

Culture night was a much needed concentrated night of art and artistic experiences. It's easy to forget the magic of the live performance until you see it again. The journey to Milford House, 90 mins or so, reminded me once again of the many pilgrimages I have taken to places in order to perform and see performance art over the years, by car, train, plane. [...]

2023-09-26T11:56:51+00:00September 26th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

EAT YOUR WORDS- upcoming

So this is really a stake into the ground situation. The ground being where I am at, the topography of the environment of artistic professional possibility- as in the reality of what can be done, created, made happen, by me. The stake is the nowness- a metaphorical pole being thrust downwards claiming my self belief. If I build it, they may not come and thats [...]

self aversion and performance art

'Post performance, as usual struck by the post action low, feeling bereft and ridiculous and sad. And mortal. Questioning the point of the whole thing. And why it has to be a performance with people watching. And which parts were for the performative nature of the whole thing and which parts were me. And if this mattered or changed the authenticity of things, as if [...]

2022-09-16T08:05:09+00:00September 16th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |
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