Do It Yourself

It was very nice to be put beside my good friend Evelyn in the July/August edition of Visual Artists Ireland Newsheet. She is a get things done woman for sure and is my age. I liked having more or less full editorial control over the article also. I mean I know they want you to write it, not them, but this process suits me, as [...]

2024-07-15T10:47:50+00:00July 15th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

June- emotional ineptitude and decreptitude and the notion of effort

June, Friday 21st precisely. Coming up to a week back from a family holiday to Sacramento, California. Generously and kindly hosted by our friends Robye and Matthew. Kids had an amazing, different experience. Constant intense heat, huge cars, freeways, eating out constantly, swimming pools. Thats was my goal- just one time for them to experience a different holiday- rather than the usual west of Ireland [...]

2024-06-22T19:31:28+00:00June 21st, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

p(art)y Here and Now June- our 5th p(art)y

All photos here courtesy here of Avia Gurman I asked each participant for 3 words to describe their experience of participating today p(art)y Here and Now, June 22, Breakthrough Dance, Ennis We were still in that immediate post performative moment- no-one was fully 'out' of performance mode yet. I wanted deliberately to ask at this stage- where feelings are still emotive and immediate [...]

2024-07-09T12:54:49+00:00June 9th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

Making a bad ting good and ringfencing.

Late last years and early this years spate of rejections prompted me to write a rant- now much edited- seen above in May/June edition of Visual Artist Ireland News sheet. Delighted to have a piece published for VAI. Ask, or rather proffer, and you shall be rewarded. Not always, but sometimes. As rastamouse would say, by publishing my latent despair over manifold rejections,  I was [...]

2024-05-13T13:33:03+00:00May 12th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Performancey weekend and Atlantic tales

Had a busy weekend of performance. Weeks of domestic drudgery (slight exaggeration here) and frantic laptop tapping and then it all comes at once.. Well a lot of hunched down in drizzle or freezing cold painting also during January. We had our inaugural p(art)y Here and Now performance event last Saturday 3rd Feb. It was in essence a great success. Here we all are post [...]

2024-02-06T13:14:03+00:00February 6th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

live art developments and January frenetica

frenetic, frenetica, freneticness? January frenetic times. p(art)y Here and Now. planning and organising. Applications for things- 2 submissions made Connolly school performance art- once a week under Evelyn, Creative Schools facilitator. Negative Space portraits- ongoing. 7 done, 5 to go. EIR Creative Places Shannon ongoing development of this.. Creative Circles January When I write them down the need to be busy, productive/working/engaged, shows [...]

2024-01-19T16:16:15+00:00January 19th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Negative Space Community Shapers Public Portraiture Series

Currently being painted, this is a series of 12 portraits of County Clare based interesting and inspiring community shapers. Through radio interviews and articles in the local paper The Clare Champion, people wishing to participate came forward. Portrait participants and their locations so far Dermot Hayes. Co Clare born community figure and social and political activist. Located in Abbey Street Carpark, Ennis, Co Clare, beside [...]

2024-01-23T11:48:55+00:00December 6th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Soil Grass Residency Trip 4

Back again for my final visit to Milford House - final for now that is, when concerned with the Soil And Grass Residency I undertook this Autumn 2023.  I am sat in the kitchen of Milford, with Olive (residential cat) on my knee. She has gotten brave, she usen't to come downstairs so much the last time I was here. But now the house is [...]

Here and Now performance event, October 27 2023

As a finisher to the 6 Here and Now workshops I'd put on I reckoned the best way to do it would be with a performance event. Its now a week and a bit since it happened. I had some predetermined ideas about how my performance workshops would surely land me with a willing contingent of eager performance artists ready to drop whatever [...]

2023-11-06T10:10:24+00:00November 5th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

Soil Grass Residency visit 3

Friday 20th October. Decided to return for a short visit today, as wont be able to come for 2 weeks after this. So, it was a short visit today or no more visits till November. Of course I never put a plan in place of how much work I would do/visits I would make/materials I would source. Other than a plan to visit once a [...]

2023-10-23T09:30:36+00:00October 23rd, 2023|Categories: Landscape, performance art, Uncategorized, Visual, writing|Tags: , |
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