p(art)y Here and Now June- our 5th p(art)y

All photos here courtesy here of Avia Gurman I asked each participant for 3 words to describe their experience of participating today p(art)y Here and Now, June 22, Breakthrough Dance, Ennis We were still in that immediate post performative moment- no-one was fully 'out' of performance mode yet. I wanted deliberately to ask at this stage- where feelings are still emotive and immediate [...]

2024-07-09T12:54:49+00:00June 9th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

Soil Grass Residency Trip 4

Back again for my final visit to Milford House - final for now that is, when concerned with the Soil And Grass Residency I undertook this Autumn 2023.  I am sat in the kitchen of Milford, with Olive (residential cat) on my knee. She has gotten brave, she usen't to come downstairs so much the last time I was here. But now the house is [...]

EAT YOUR WORDS- upcoming

So this is really a stake into the ground situation. The ground being where I am at, the topography of the environment of artistic professional possibility- as in the reality of what can be done, created, made happen, by me. The stake is the nowness- a metaphorical pole being thrust downwards claiming my self belief. If I build it, they may not come and thats [...]

self aversion and performance art

'Post performance, as usual struck by the post action low, feeling bereft and ridiculous and sad. And mortal. Questioning the point of the whole thing. And why it has to be a performance with people watching. And which parts were for the performative nature of the whole thing and which parts were me. And if this mattered or changed the authenticity of things, as if [...]

2022-09-16T08:05:09+00:00September 16th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

Submissions and First Friday

Compass Live Art Festival. (Leeds) Open call for 2020 (Nov 8th) Rua Red Cafe Space (Dublin) Open call for cafe exhibitions (submitted. waiting to hear) Dunlaoighre Lexicon (Dublin) Open Call for 2020 exhibitions (27th November) Art and the Rural Imagination Conference (New Forest, Bournemouth) (4th December) 126 Gallery Christmas Market (Galway) (Dec 10/11) My studio- open days pre xmas ASAP Critical Moss Book Project (UK) [...]

2019-11-06T12:19:03+00:00November 6th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |
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