Negative SPACE 2022 works finished.. finally.
It's very important to me to finish what I start, and to deliver what I have promised. Mural Public art wise I want to be known for careful, bold work that is impactful, emotive and skillfull. I do NOT want my name associated with anything [...]
decisions on how to spend limited energy and time
Spent the evening examining 2 specific residencies- both within the possibilities of applying for, but simply not possible to take up in the small event of potentially being successful. One is for 2 weeks in Greece in March this year- so not a hope of [...]
Austria- Workshops in St Gilgen International School
While I was in St Gilgen working with Kirsty I made a series of performance art workshops and some power point presentations for the International School she teaches in. I was delighted to do this as I'd originally designed a workshop for kids [...]
ReVision PLay Pause Seeing you Seeing Me 2022
First thoughts words to record before I Stop trying, and macbook about to die nerves so bad again I had stomach issues think i went in to mild shock after- felt freezifng cold and shivery was so numbed with terror I willed myself to get [...]
How the stoics would have managed rejection. Revision, Interviews and Austria Preps
I've been here before. Its the effort and time you expend making the application/submission/proposal, then the email of No-ness. This one was very good, it said 'I don't have the privilege to work with you this time around' I mean, you've got to put your [...]
BBeyond Earth Rising
Ive been very negligent with my blogging and I miss it. There are a myriad of reasons not worth going into right now as to why this has occurred. Suffice to say I mean to try and get back into it. Last Saturday I went [...]