decisions on how to spend limited energy and time
Spent the evening examining 2 specific residencies- both within the possibilities of applying for, but simply not possible to take up in the small event of potentially being successful. One is for 2 weeks in Greece in March this year- so not a hope of [...]
Austria- Workshops in St Gilgen International School
While I was in St Gilgen working with Kirsty I made a series of performance art workshops and some power point presentations for the International School she teaches in. I was delighted to do this as I'd originally designed a workshop for kids [...]
ReVision PLay Pause Seeing you Seeing Me 2022
First thoughts words to record before I Stop trying, and macbook about to die nerves so bad again I had stomach issues think i went in to mild shock after- felt freezifng cold and shivery was so numbed with terror I willed myself to get [...]
How the stoics would have managed rejection. Revision, Interviews and Austria Preps
I've been here before. Its the effort and time you expend making the application/submission/proposal, then the email of No-ness. This one was very good, it said 'I don't have the privilege to work with you this time around' I mean, you've got to put your [...]
BBeyond Earth Rising
Ive been very negligent with my blogging and I miss it. There are a myriad of reasons not worth going into right now as to why this has occurred. Suffice to say I mean to try and get back into it. Last Saturday I went [...]
Austria- Murals- Rub
September and October are done, hurtled through in a hurry of dark days, incessant rain, schedule keeping, hustling through the days trying to get everything done, keeping on keeping on. food shopping, lifts, activities, homework, training, pig food procuring, dog and pig walks, emails, planning, [...]