Preparing for Pack, Unpack

I have the Pack, Unpack performance this Thursday in Shannon Airport. I am going to pack the suitcase again now to try a trial before the proper trial tomorrow when I can use the glór studio. I am feeling good-ish about this at present. Anyone I have spoken to about the performance has related to it on some level. I feel however that I am [...]

2019-12-18T12:07:08+00:00December 18th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Body Alphabet development ideas

Image of how the printed postcard I made with the Body Alphabet printed on it looks How the individul letter shaps might look if placed together on a wall to make words ANother way to record words using the alphabet. By drawing them. Useful for workshop situation.

2019-12-13T12:02:00+00:00December 13th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Just Keep going

The good. I have ideas for new performances. This always makes me feel better as I have a purpose. Also, I ALWAYS have ideas for performances but I made myself think about what I can make on a practical level, without too much money or asking of others time to make it happen. Just Keep Going This is an attempt to perform what I [...]

2019-11-25T11:24:17+00:00November 25th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Performance- where I’m at.

Here is the link to the film Paul made of the crawl performance. Night Crawl. Performed October 5th Ennis, Co CLare. Film by Paul Corey. Paul's film is his own edit of the performance. He is going to submit it to some film festivals which hopefully will allow him some accrediation which he very much deserves as he did all this for free. I [...]

2019-11-19T12:37:53+00:00November 19th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

submissions- the good, the bad and the depressing

ok at least I submitted it- it took me 3 days to write it- I figure when I inevitably get the rejection, or the PFO Please Fuck Off as Emma who curated my First Friday talk calls them, I will have utilized the concept of the prooposal in some other form by then so it willhave been worth while. yada yada. thought I'd get this [...]

2019-11-19T11:36:39+00:00November 19th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Submissions and First Friday

Compass Live Art Festival. (Leeds) Open call for 2020 (Nov 8th) Rua Red Cafe Space (Dublin) Open call for cafe exhibitions (submitted. waiting to hear) Dunlaoighre Lexicon (Dublin) Open Call for 2020 exhibitions (27th November) Art and the Rural Imagination Conference (New Forest, Bournemouth) (4th December) 126 Gallery Christmas Market (Galway) (Dec 10/11) My studio- open days pre xmas ASAP Critical Moss Book Project (UK) [...]

2019-11-06T12:19:03+00:00November 6th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

Teetering on the precipice

Im having one of those weeks- when I find myself just treading water, managing to manage, keeping a rational thought path as my dominant path and trying, trying not to step out onto all those little paths leading off the main path, anxiety, worry, panicky feelings, despair, self disgust, inertia, not good enoughness, general bleakness. I could list all the particular things I am currently [...]

2019-10-16T10:32:59+00:00October 16th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Pushing On and the need to be READY

You know when you find yourself waiting for something? Like for a phonecall or an email you really want to get. Or a letter you are hoping will arrive. And you find yourself thinking about this a LOT, and almost starting to shape your thoughts around the outcome. Letting your destiny lay in someone elses hands. (that sounds very life coach-y) the word destiny is [...]

2019-10-15T10:28:07+00:00October 15th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|


I had a realization this morning driving into Glór. I was in the car and I saw a group of school kids in a procession along the pavement, off out with their teacher somewhere. They looked to be about 7/8 years old. Bringing up the line, at the back, was a little girl in a wheelchair, being pushed along by a lady, probably her SNA. [...]

2019-10-09T10:15:14+00:00October 9th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Night Crawl- Post Performance Thoughts

So I did the night crawl through Ennis town on Saturday night. I know I am going to struggle with how to describe the experience as it was a strange and surreal one. Describe the event on a practical level: See below for the map of the route I took. Its exactly .5k, and takes not even 5 minutes to walk. First mistake was thinking [...]

2019-10-08T13:10:42+00:00October 8th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|
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