Friday before Easter holidays and avoiding rejection
And thats a no from TULCA. I made myself go and train this morning before I checked emails, as I had remembered that the website had said that feedback would be sent by 31st. I didn't allow myself to look at my mailbox during training [...]
current work situation- murals- schools- performance
in progress murals do a second visual for NC paints they didnt like this one do a visual for grey wall no view pete brown tulla get the visuals for lifford road and kilrush road corner completed. get glór wall piece done [...]
Leaning into the reality of now
Thinking about the reality of now. its dawned on me that I might be trying to hypothesise a proposed reality when applying for open callas and describing what I do. the truth is I am constantly despairing and feeling defeated by being a carer and [...]
Good piece on teaching Performance
It was a nice event- low key but it built up and there were nice interactions. As I said in my insta post; For this piece I invited people to write down words, which I then ate. A cathartic, healing and nicely absurd exchange. Less [...]
EAT YOUR WORDS- upcoming
So this is really a stake into the ground situation. The ground being where I am at, the topography of the environment of artistic professional possibility- as in the reality of what can be done, created, made happen, by me. The stake is the nowness- [...]