A series of predictable events

I finally made the WTF performance today. I'd tried making it on Thursday and tried to do it on instagram live, thinking I could save it afterwards. I got through about 20 minutes, cramped in the hallway of the house, from what I could see, live streaming. Then the phone rang and the tripod lurched and the whole thing went to shit. It was not [...]

2021-05-03T21:40:13+00:00May 3rd, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

New Show THIS and getting organised for WTF home performance, communal drawing sessions and etc

The open call Id submitted my weird little video piece to was successful and it has been beautifully curated and put together. Its really gratifying to have work in such a well organised and documented show. When I made this it was lockdown, I was claustrophobic, emotionally exhausted from dealing with the kids, no private time at all, at home all day with the family, [...]

2021-04-27T20:46:47+00:00April 27th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|


Time to commit the thoughts and get things made. More than just the usual day to day stuff to get done that is. How to do the WTF performance? What successful home performances have I watched? What constitutes successful? Where to perform. I need a space that I can work uninterrupted for at least an hour. If not two hours. I think if I am [...]

2021-04-20T10:56:04+00:00April 20th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

all paths are collaborative

Today ( Monday 12) I posted this to Insta and FB: Wanted please: your feelings. Please send me a feeling which you are having, a good feeling, a sad feeling, angry, despairing, irritated, worried feeling, I’ll accept them all with thanks. I am an artist who works with emotions and exercise to make performance art. You can DM me your feeling, or post it as [...]

2021-04-13T20:14:40+00:00April 13th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

WTF Lockdown Series March 2021 and proposals

https://vimeo.com/533738662 Working through feelings: I am terrified of losing my strength. Exercise: Body weight tricep dips with a hip extension. A performance project I started late 2021, marrying fitness with performance. https://vimeo.com/533739367 Working Through Feelings: An overwhelming sense of anxiety that I won’t get everything done. Exercise: bucket drops https://vimeo.com/533740556 Working Through Feelings: The anger I feel at myself when I waste head space being [...]

2021-04-06T22:56:28+00:00April 6th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Creative Circles meet 2

Last night was our second meet-up for Creative Circles, the online meet up space for creative types, hosted by glór. Described as per the blurb we wrote for it: 'We invite artists and creative professionals in performance disciplines such as music, theatre, dance and spoken word, who are based in Clare to participate. Artists from all stages of their career are welcome – emerging to [...]

2021-03-31T15:04:27+00:00March 31st, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

validated spaces

after a weekend of going wrong with time- forgetting that next weekend was the next BBeyond workshop date, not this weekend, and legging into the studio so as not to be at home like last week, hemmed into the bedroom, with familial arguments and unhappiness happening right outside the door, resulting in me trying to concentrate and perform fucking relaxing dance interludes whilst flooded with [...]

2021-03-21T12:54:17+00:00March 21st, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

creatives coping in pandemic etc and dots

I found this writing in a notebook this morning when I was hunting for other notes. The last two lines: desperate times = desperate action. When your mind is chaos, take control. I like the performance idea too, I think I will do this soon. Listened to a panel talk this morning with some artists talking about lockdown, etc etc. It was a pretty honest [...]

2021-03-18T13:26:21+00:00March 18th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Clare Haven Zoom Notes

This morning we had a zoom meet with two staff members of Clare Haven- Trish who works in the refuge and has outreach duties, and Deirdre who runs the children and young people's services. BTW for anyone reading there are no names or identities mentioned in this post, nor were there in the zoom meeting. We spoke only on a generalistic level. One thing I [...]

2021-03-15T12:28:13+00:00March 15th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|
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