Body Morse Code- going back to the start Body morse Code, 2019 I made the piece of work above, with the help of my photographer friend Paul, who shot the photos in his studio. Id been thinking about how the human figure can look so graphic and shape like, and I wanted to experiment with lots of these shapes changing rapidly, sort of emulating early photography sequences, Eadweard Muybridge style. Early photography [...]

2020-04-13T08:50:09+00:00April 13th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Strength actions in the Burren. And in the nick of time too.

Equipment for today’s performance I went to the base of Mullaghmore mountain to film some art actions this evening. My friend Paul TY photographer came too and we drove separately and stayed apart observing social distance as per the current guidelines. I felt a little unsure re making this but as it was technically within the covid -19 parameters- keeping social distance, not being in [...]

2020-03-27T22:08:09+00:00March 27th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Covid 19 and being at home

I like putting on nice clothes. I like training. I like challenging myself physically. I dont like waiting. Time to combine. Thinking about wearing one of my occasion dresses, like one of the ones in my box upstairs in my cupboard, and going somewhere barren, wild, (social distancing) and flipping my tyre or swinging my seldgehammer. Or crawling about on some rocks. Combining the following [...]

2020-03-25T23:34:38+00:00March 25th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Right now..

Have applied for: RHA annual Show: painting Tactic Gallery Oileann Show: performance Livestock in assoc with Mart Gallery: performance Artist in Schools Scheme: collaborative education Women on Walls, DCU (partially submitted, to finish by 17 April): painting Thinking about the Curator in residence for glór. (deadline 18 March) I had completely ruled this out thinking I do not have enough curatorial experience. Then I looked [...]

2020-03-10T12:52:56+00:00March 10th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Wednesday 4 March- Rotation, fear setting and unsupportive support stockings

I started today's session with a short piece to video about how I can sporadically feel literally imprisoned inside my own flesh. I can be caught unawares in the mirror and be so unsettled by what I see that it acts as a deterrent to get anything done as I am so distracted by the negativity I feel. Now, having sent a sizable part of [...]

2020-03-04T12:11:22+00:00March 4th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

emerging dripping and exhausted from the pit of apathy and despair

I love an overtly expressive title. I couldv'e written 'getting back into it' but I prefer the above. Besides I havn't been out of it, Ive just been managing other suff. Like my kids. And a period of anxiety, isolation (partial) and despair. Which culminated in a mini emotional breakdown last Saturday and me driving to limerick by myself to walk around TK maxx and [...]

2020-02-26T11:42:44+00:00February 26th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

EVIL performance at plug’d, Cork

Drove to Cork last night to perform with the Limerick based EVIL collective. I performed with them last October in Limerick, when I answered a call out they made for artists to join them for their performance night. I was super impressed with their energy and group and singular creativity that time. And so it was again last night. It was a more intimate venue, [...]

2020-01-31T13:03:18+00:00January 31st, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

yesterday, today and tonight

Spent last 3 days putting together my application for Arts Council visual arts bursary. The experience was similar to climbing Mullaghmore, I kept thinking I was done and then I'd realise there was another bit to go. Literally submitted it 1/2 an hour ago, now experiencing usual anti-climactic post hard work feeling. No time to dwell, rehearsal time for tonights performance w EVIL in Cork. [...]

2020-01-30T13:09:49+00:00January 30th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

stuff going on

Open calls and funding stuff Edinburgh performance biennale applying for arts council bursary. have I enough time before next week? umbrella vetting for body alphabet workshop idea- have started vetting process for Claddagh national school in galway at least creative ireland funding- got my application in anyway Great Austrian show happening this october- need to get my act together here! plan for work is [...]

2020-01-23T11:48:45+00:00January 23rd, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Couldn’t sleep therefore:

last night I couldnt sleep. I lay there thinking about performance ideas. Blown out/sucked up. One I had which I liked was the exchange of air- shouting loudly while a hairdryer basts air at one side of your head while a hoover sucks up the air on the other side of your head. Does the sound get blown away and sucked up, does it disappear? [...]

2020-01-21T11:05:24+00:00January 21st, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|
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