E&B: post friday skype w Moran- outcomes
Quick synopsis of what we spoke about I am going to rename the blog posts chronologically under the 'eggs and butter' header. explore further- the outline drawings from most recent post- the outline drawings of the lady and child. less detailed drawing, more detailed line. [...]
E&B: observational drawings again
Continuing the theme of people I encounter/observe/spy on:) I wandered down O' Connell Street today, and saw, a lady and her son standing at the corner, a lady working in the barbershop window, and an elderly lady standing poised outside the coffee shop. I did [...]
E&B: more broken down shapes- dissembling the school run lady from last week
Last week I spied a lady holding hands with her small child, about junior infant level looking, and took a sneaky shot of them walking towards a supermarket. See below: I am looking at this drawing again, and have tried making drawings of the shapes [...]
E&B: out looking
I drove to Quin, Newmarket and Clarecastle today in search of the 'rural' Well no, I just went to draw people. But there were no people, I saw 3 men, that was it, in Quin. This statue of Mary, in front of the abbey ruins, [...]
In Dialogue With The UnKnown
Some photos from the install stage of our group show, In Dialogue With The Unknown, opening today in a gallery called Die Linz, Austria. Feeling weirdly discombobulated re watching remotely as Kirsty installed the show. Then tonight was our opening, Kirsty had asked would we [...]