
E&B: making notes of some notes I took last Friday

Last Friday I had a skype meet with Moran, and we talked about the upcoming group show she is curating for Dec/Jan in glór. I was a bit discombobulated as a lot of my head space was taken up with the following days performance at [...]

An essential contribution: post Re-Vision performance thoughts

I had a full day of experiences yesterday- driving to Belfast from my parents house in Dublin, getting utterly lost and stressed in city centre traffic, finding the gallery, Catalyst arts, watching 4 hours of very different performances before it was my turn, getting through [...]

ongoing ideas to execute

I am writing, to remind myself, of the art actions I want to get made. I put these into my phone in a compiled note to make sure I don't forget them. The ones that resonate at present are two, that would A: work as [...]

WTF Trial

I got to trial a version of Working Through Feelings over the weekend, on Saturday morning. I have wasted the last hour this morning trying to upload a video I edited last night of the performance. Fucks sake! I just tried deleting loads of stuff [...]

E&B: strong women- research

Made some drawings thinking about how strength is SEEN and how its expressed in women. Some people who symbolise strength. This is just me visualizing my thoughts right now.. The first image is Joan Of Arc, as illustrated in a propaganda poster from WW1, to [...]

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