
Selfie drawings and paintings

Skewed selfie me and Annie May 2021 pencil on A3 paper Skewed selfie Con and Hec pencil on A3 May 2021 newest version of Skewed selfie painting Con Ann Hec acrylic on canvas May 2021 I started doing these just as an excuse to draw, [...]

Stuff applied for and stuff to consider applying for

thinking about the effort and time required to apply for call outs (HUGE) weighed up against the potential for that time to be used in other ways (CONSIDERABLE) weighed up against the actual statistical chance of success in aforementioned call-outs.. (SMALL) Of course I made [...]

Clare Haven 16 Days exhibition space

corridors interior rooms front right exterior of building dropped in to get some shots of the interior of Clare Haven upstairs today- I forgot how literally huge it is. there are 15 rooms in all that we can use. more to come later.

A series of predictable events

I finally made the WTF performance today. I'd tried making it on Thursday and tried to do it on instagram live, thinking I could save it afterwards. I got through about 20 minutes, cramped in the hallway of the house, from what I could see, [...]

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