Open calls and funding stuff Edinburgh performance biennale
applying for arts council bursary. have I enough time before next week?
umbrella vetting for body alphabet workshop idea- have started vetting process for Claddagh national school in galway at least
creative ireland funding- got my application in anyway
Great Austrian show happening this october- need to get my act together here! plan for work is done. Now need to book flights and apply for travel and training award
Evil show next week, thursday in cork. performance ideas incude- basic BA spelling out of words. Or Mixed messages– when the words are performed using the BA but I am talking about something condtradictory to what I’m spelling. Or am very much drawn to blind crawl– blindfolding myself and crawling around the space- I tried it this morning in glór and its very strange and disorientating- vulnerable and immedtately our other senses start to work harder.. how might an audience interpret this? they would have to get out of the way as I crawl past/through them… or just do a reenacted night crawl– could live screen it and all, and crawl around the space and perhaps downstairs and out the door, down the road, its all pedestrianized around there, and back in again and up the stairs. Or my favourite one so far is an idea I have called the weight of humanity– when i’d lie on the ground and volunteers from audience would lie on top of me forming a human mound. The metaphorical weight of human emotion and the physical weight of human flesh. Also our modern aversion to human touch. Physical consequences- would only thin people lie on me, or would blokes think they are too big and might crush me/other people? Would people do it?
I’m in that existensial space where Ive not had much contact with any art people in a while, or any people for that matter (I am referring to in my work time but also socially) and therefore have only my own perspective. I tend to get anxious and a bit negative about all this when this happens. Need to keep this in mind and not let it overrule my thought process. I also need to keep the performance with Evil in perspective, its only 30 mins of my life but I am thinking about it a lot as it’s when I are performing, on show that this happens to me. I was the same before the performance 2 weeks ago in 126 gallery. It’s the knowledge that you are going to be purposely in front of others and are demanding of them their attention. Which obviously is not a big deal and ultimately does not matter in the grander scheme of things, but its hard to switch off your head. On a priority level I have the stuff listed at the start of this post to worry about more so as there are deadlines to manage around them.