
Artist as Carer

Recently I came across a rare thing- an open call for a residency geared specially towards artists who are parents- and carers. I couldn't quite believe it- I didn't have time to look at it properly when I first saw it advertised on social media- [...]

Mural progress

What I have been doing is progressing my schools and mural work. I got into Scoil Christ Ri today (finally a day with mostly no rain) and made progress on the top 1/2 of the mural This is a BIG wall, this photo does not [...]

adrift in a sea of confusion

slightly flowery way of saying that I have gotten yet another PFO email and I am feeling disheartened and unsure of the best way to proceed. After all the definition of stupidity is to repeat the same actions. T, last week,  was a No. Clare [...]

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