
Teetering on the precipice

Im having one of those weeks- when I find myself just treading water, managing to manage, keeping a rational thought path as my dominant path and trying, trying not to step out onto all those little paths leading off the main path, anxiety, worry, panicky [...]

Pushing On and the need to be READY

You know when you find yourself waiting for something? Like for a phonecall or an email you really want to get. Or a letter you are hoping will arrive. And you find yourself thinking about this a LOT, and almost starting to shape your thoughts [...]


I had a realization this morning driving into Glór. I was in the car and I saw a group of school kids in a procession along the pavement, off out with their teacher somewhere. They looked to be about 7/8 years old. Bringing up the [...]

Night Crawl- Post Performance Thoughts

So I did the night crawl through Ennis town on Saturday night. I know I am going to struggle with how to describe the experience as it was a strange and surreal one. Describe the event on a practical level: See below for the map [...]

Night crawl performance

I am planning to do a durational performance this weekend, Saturday night, here in Ennis Co Clare. Why crawl? See pic above, and also: I’m interested in the juxtaposition of the functionality of crawling- as opposed to the emotive response people might have towards seeing [...]

Performing at EVIL IV

Last Thursday night I performed with a Limerick based collective of artists at their 4rth Live art event, called Collective Evil IV. I had had a normal thursday with the usual schedule, so by the time I got into the car to leg it up [...]

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