p(art)y Here and Now June- our 5th p(art)y
All photos here courtesy here of Avia Gurman I asked each participant for 3 words to describe their experience of participating today p(art)y Here and Now, June 22, Breakthrough Dance, Ennis We were still in that immediate post performative moment- no-one was fully [...]
Making a bad ting good and ringfencing.
Late last years and early this years spate of rejections prompted me to write a rant- now much edited- seen above in May/June edition of Visual Artist Ireland News sheet. Delighted to have a piece published for VAI. Ask, or rather proffer, and you shall [...]
Performancey weekend and Atlantic tales
Had a busy weekend of performance. Weeks of domestic drudgery (slight exaggeration here) and frantic laptop tapping and then it all comes at once.. Well a lot of hunched down in drizzle or freezing cold painting also during January. We had our inaugural p(art)y Here [...]
Head Wreckers unite- recent performances to camera
https://youtube.com/shorts/cCGGp_oiewI?si=LQ_yoABxRBajjTlg Low Expectations. Performance to camera. January 2024. Still operating under the process of think, and do. Think of something, then make it. I continue to be fascinated by repetition and experiencing repetition. What it is, to be in it, continuing through it, how [...]
live art developments and January frenetica
frenetic, frenetica, freneticness? January frenetic times. p(art)y Here and Now. planning and organising. Applications for things- 2 submissions made Connolly school performance art- once a week under Evelyn, Creative Schools facilitator. Negative Space portraits- ongoing. 7 done, 5 to go. EIR Creative Places Shannon ongoing [...]
Negative Space Community Shapers Public Portraiture Series
Currently being painted, this is a series of 12 portraits of County Clare based interesting and inspiring community shapers. Through radio interviews and articles in the local paper The Clare Champion, people wishing to participate came forward. Portrait participants and their locations so far Dermot [...]