
Couldn’t sleep therefore:

last night I couldnt sleep. I lay there thinking about performance ideas. Blown out/sucked up. One I had which I liked was the exchange of air- shouting loudly while a hairdryer basts air at one side of your head while a hoover sucks up the [...]

Pack, Unpack Film

https://youtu.be/N5Vf0MxIKNs Pack, Unpack film, Shannon Airport, December 19th 2019 Paul Corey my photographer pal sent me this film today that he compiled of footage he shot of my Pack, Unpack performance in Shannon Airport just before Christmas. I am thrilled with this film, its nice [...]

126 performance review

https://youtu.be/jb-gLqQc6KI So the performance was a good experience for me, and there were nice people there and I felt a strong energy to the room. I was pleased to have been able to make the performance. From talking to people afterwards I got the impression [...]


2020 many many

things will happen hopefully. well not hopefully as it will happen if I make it happen. Anyway I was back in glór this morning which was good, as when I’m here I just do what I’m supposed to do. As opposed to lads of other [...]

Unpacking Pack, Unpack

so above are images of the performance in Shannon. It went off well logistically. I am going to make a copy of the notes I took before and immediately after performing. 'Weird liminal space. Purgatory- stuck between places. Waiting to start. Anti climactic but anticipatory. Everyone [...]

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