Project Description
In 2021/22 I completed a TAP Teacher Artist Partnership with Scoil Chriost Rí, Ennis.
This was a Teacher Artist Partnership under Clare Education Centre, Co Clare. I was partnered with 1st/2nd class of Scoil Chríost Rí National School, Ennis. We chose the theme of self portraiture and went on an amazing journey together looking at portraits made by well known artists and experimenting ourselves with different mediums. We made self portraits in the abstract expressionist style and also made portraits inspired by Frida Kahlo. We ended up by making life size portraits of ourselves by working together to trace our bodies onto paper and then painting them, cutting them out and sticking them onto cardboard. These and the other portraits were displayed in the school Halla as part of creative schools day.
- Self Portrait from memory: Week 1
- Self Portrait from memory: Week 1
- Experimenting with abstract self portraiture: Week 2
- Experimenting with abstract self portraiture: Week 2
- Experimenting with abstract self portraiture: Week 2
- Process of drawing our life size self portraits- learngin about foreshortening
- Process of drawing and colouring our life size self portraits- adding detail
- Process of making our life size self portraits- learning about proportion
- Process of colouring in our life size self portraits
- Process of colouring in our life size self portraits
- Process of drawing and colouring our life size self portraits- adding detail
- Checking to see if our our life size self portraits are life size!
- Checking to see if our our life size self portraits are life size!
- End of Term Portrait display in the halla
- End of Term Portrait display in the halla
- The pupils standing beside their exhibited work
- The pupils standing beside their exhibited work
- The pupils standing beside their exhibited work